Singing Guide: Kanye West feat. Paul McCartney

Singing Guide: Kanye West feat. Paul McCartney

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kanye West is one of the most iconic and influential artists of our generation. His music style is a mix of rap, hip-hop, and alternative, with a unique vocal technique that has inspired many singers around the globe. In this article, we’ll explore the techniques Kanye West uses while singing along with Paul McCartney, one of the most revered musicians of the 20th century. We’ll look at some of their most famous collaborations and give you practical tips on how to emulate their style.

Firstly, one of the most iconic songs of Kanye West and Paul McCartney is "Only One". This song is great for learning how to use a falsetto voice. Practice singing "Only One" while trying to mimic Kanye’s high-pitched and airy voice throughout the song.

Another song to look out for is "FourFiveSeconds," which is another collaboration between Kanye West and Paul McCartney along with Rihanna. This song features a more relaxed and laid-back vocal style, which showcases Kanye's versatility. This song is great for learning how to control your breath and sing with powerful emotion.

To sing like Kanye West, you should work on your breathing technique. Without proper breath support, it will be impossible to hit the high notes with the control and power of Kanye’s voice. Singing Carrots' article on breath support is a great starting point for learning the right technique.

Moreover, Kanye often uses different kinds of vocal distortion and growling in his music. Even though these techniques could damage one's vocal cords, they can enhance your voice with different tones and textures. To learn how to use these techniques safely and effectively, you can check Singing Carrots' article on "Vocal distortion & Growling".

Finally, Kanye West is known for his unique blend of hip-hop and contemporary singing techniques. He often uses heavy modal, twang, and belting in his performances to give his voice a more aggressive and rough sound. Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive article on "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting" that will provide you with the right information to learn these techniques.

In conclusion, Kanye West is an artist with a unique voice and style. To learn how to emulate his voice, you should work on your breathing, learn how to harness your falsetto voice, and practice different vocal techniques. The resources and exercises provided by Singing Carrots will help you give you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to become a singer like Kanye West.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.